Xtreme Technologies Knowledge Base

Android low volume causes distortion

The XLink cannot properly process audio from your cell phone if the volume is too low.

Android cell phones have independent volume settings for every application. Sometimes the default volume after setting up the XLink is too low which causes distortion, static and makes it hard to hear the person you are talking to.

If the volume is low you must make it louder for the XLink to work properly. You should only need to do this once as the cell phone will remember the setting.

The easiest way to do this is to simply wait until you are on a phone call through the XLink and then turn up the cell phone volume on the cell phone the usual way. You will immediately notice that it is louder.

This will solve most volume level issues as the cell phone will now send the audio loud enough for the XLink to process correctly.

You can also further control the xlink volume settings to make it louder or quieter as you desire for your comfort. You can also adjust your telephone receive volume controls.