Android Smart Phone SettingsListed here are some Android settings that can cause Bluetooth devices such as the XLink to not function properly. Settings these items properly will always/ get an android cell phone to work properly.
If your cell is still behaving strange after checking these settings please turn it off and then back on. Sometimes the cell phone just needs to be reset.
You should not have to do this very often but after adjusting settings or updating the XLink software it is sometimes necessary to repair the cell phone.
- Turn off Auto Answer
If the cell phone only rings once and then answers the call and then disconnects (or leaves the call answered) then you need to turn off the Auto Answer feature. If there is no voice when you answer, turn off auto answer.
This feature can be found in numerous places. Open your phone dialer tap the menu button then call settings / accessory settings / automatic answering.
More information can be found here.
- Set Bluetooth Volume
If you can barely hear or not hear at all the person on a call when talking through the XLink, you need to adjust the Bluetooth volume.
Android cell phones keep a seperate volume level for each Bluetooth device. To set the volume properly, when talking on a call over the XLink, simply turn up the cell volume the usual way. Most likely you want to set it as loud as it goes.
Remember that your house phone you are talking on most likely as a volume control as well.
If the person you are talking to through the XLink says you are not loud enough, remind them to turn up their telephone volume.
If this still is not loud enough in either direction, the XLink has a simple volume control as well. Turn up the volume as required.
Always adjust the CELL phone volume first by turning it up all the way (this can only be done while on a call through the XLink). If this volume is not set high the audio might not sound great.
- Enable audio to XLink
If you do not hear any audio, and instead it is coming out your cell phone, then this needs to be enabled
Click here for instruction to enabled audio. It is usually need to reset the cell phone after changing this.
- Turn off Power Save
This feature, if enabled to power down Bluetooth, will cause the connection with the XLink to repeatedly disconnect.
This feature is found in different places on all models of Android, but is somewhere in the settings. First try disabling it completely.
- Reset default app for Answer or Dial
If dialing does not dial immeditaly but shows a screen on cell phone 'Complete action using...' or incoming calls cause strange behaviour then the default behaviour of the cell phone has been changed and should be reset or a default applicatoin needs to be selected
Android cell phones allow for a lot of customization and 3rd party apps can be set to override the default phone actions. Sometimes these settings need to be adjusted. See this link for more information.